#15 Interceptors

KiA-50 Imperator (Alloy Scheme) by MrMereScratch

User friendliness

The Imperator is a big jet, requiring an airstair to get in and out of it. Inside the cockpit there are many switches and dials, which takes a bit to understand everything, but they are properly labelled and in their separeted nicely, not to mention the manual which. The engine start is a bit annoying requiring to flip 2 switches and hold the compressor button, but it is a quick start. Although lacking a proper stabilizer, the plane by itself is really balanced and needs little effort from to pilot to fly stable at max speed, only lacking at lower speeds. The only issues are the cut thrust hotkeys are inverted.



The KiA-50 is an incedibily fast aircraft, being able to go at 1191 kph with enough fuel to go for 200 km with such velocity. It also has an altitude holder that can help at cruising, however due to the lack of proper stabilizer, the best it can get is to cruise at 630 km for ~1630 km. It is equipped with 2 LACs and 4 "Photon" air-to-air missiles, but doesn't carry countermeasures. The missiles work really well, however, the LACs are hard to use because the plane is simply too fast to make any proper aim. Although it has a reflector-type gunsight and the ability to reduce control's sensibility, it still can't get a proper gun solution without a huge distance to aim, and the fact it lacks a stabilizer as well as not having good turning at low speeds only makes the things worse. Overall, a pretty good aircraft for beyond visual range engagements, but really bad at closer distances.



The Imperator is heavily based on the MiG-25, so much so, that outside of some small details, like the bigger size, lack of fins under the exhausts, and the slightly different landing gear, it is a MiG-25, it even shares the same riveted panels on the same places! It has a simple, but really well done painting job with a warn out coating as if it was used in many missions. The XML exhausts and wedges just make the whole fusalege even better. The only major complain is how boxy the plane is, the whole mid-section is just a box with little bevelling add onto it. Overall a really good design.


Overall: 7/10

Feedback and Suggestions

- Add a stabilizer

- Improve plane's handling at lower speeds

- Make it a bit less boxy

F7F-S Hypercat by BOMPS

User friendliness

After the pilot watches the strange event of the Hypercat's gear deploying themselves as they were spawned in stowed, they do the relatively easy task of climbing a ladder and entering the cluttered cockpit. Everything is clearly labelled and well-organized, but finding what you need takes a bit. There's the nice addition of warnings, indicators, and a roll collective system that allows the aircraft to stay flying straight with one engine working. Startup is very quick and flying is very easy. Roll stops once you stop giving it inputs, and pitch/yaw do the same but with a short delay. A reflector-type gunsight and mouse aim helps a ton with aiming. Overall a very good plane for beginners once they get past the startup!



The Hypercat is fast for a prop thanks to its turboprop engines, reaching a top speed of 159 M/S. The range and the ability to safely use cruise throttles allows the pilot to not worry about fuel on longer flights. The aircraft turns and rolls very well, and the yaw is quick and goes without deflection. The forward armament is a whopping 8x LACs, however, the ammo choice--incendiary--isn't idea for killing bombers (since fires can be easily extinguished) but finds better use in attacking fighters who can't safely extinguish aircraft fighters. The best bet is for the pilot to hit the wings and allow the fires to drain the fuel tanks. There is a radar, but the short range rules out using it as a search radar, rather to help it find nearby targets in night/poor weather. Overall a potent all-weather aircraft that's better off hunting fighters.



The Hypercat is a very boxy and fat Tigercat with comically tiny landing gear that spawns stowed. It sports a weathered blue camo with white, red, and checkered detailing complete with the words "NAVY" and the letter "86". The control surfaces move, which is a nice touch. Overall a very basic shape but includes some nice features.


Overall: 7.16/10

Feedback and Suggestions

-Maybe go for a less boxy shape

-Maybe also have LAC HE belts

-Good survivabilty and handling

F-19 jet interceptor by Dio.

User friendliness

Getting into the F-19 is very easy, but from the first glance at the cockpit, you know taking off won't be as easy. The cockpit is very cluttered, and while it's somewhat clearly labelled, everything is everywhere and not organized at all (i.e. the fuel is right next to the RWR at the rear of the cockpit). The HUD is nice, but it constantly displays a stall warning. There's a non-self-explanatory screen that tracks a radar target with a series of buttons that work with it, however they sound like they apply to the whole aircraft or the HUD itself. There's an analogue weapon manager with a note that explains its usage and what each numerical value means far from it, causing the pilot to take their eyes off the fight for longer. When flying, pitch and roll are quick and responsive, while the yaw is very slow and likes to keep turning for a good five seconds after inputs stop going through. Overall not recommended for new pilots and takes time to familiarize.



The F-19 is fast at 314 M/S and it has the acceleration to go with it. It is very agile and seems more like a fighter than an interceptor, especially seeing it carries a bomb load. The analogue weapon computer makes it difficult to manage the weapons, and the weapon accuracy makes it very unreliable, this was seen in a dogfight between my interceptor and Dio's. On top of that, there is no auto-trim so the loss of a weapon on one side heavily affects flight performance. The HUD and radar camera's tracking can only see one target, making it succeptible to noise from objects and other aircraft. There is no range displayed so combat readiness is also very limted. Overall very dampened by shortcomings.



The F-19 looks like a KARN jet in a good way. It is very sleek and sports a weathered blue camo and white detailing. From the weathered lights to the fancy exhaust, it's a well-designed aircraft. Another great Dio exterior!


Overall: 6.66/10

Feedback and Suggestions

-KARN Jet?

-Use more accurate munitions

-Use the EHCS system for varied payloads

Sockwith S.III Blacktalon by Socky

User friendliness

There's no clear way into the Sockwith. The cockpit is really high up, you can't walk up the tail since it's XML, and the wings are at an angle where climbing onto the top surface is impossible. The cockpit is very simple with everything you need while being clearly labelled and well-organized. Taking off takes a lot of runway, but with patience, it can be done. Flying is very easy, however, the controls are sluggish--understandable for a heavier WWI aircraft. The gyro sort of works. Overall a plane a beginner pilot with a knack for WWI would like...if they could get inside.



The Sockwith goes a slow 56 M/S--slow enough speed to be outran by bombers--, however this scales well with some of the heavier WWI aircraft. The aircraft struggles in climbs and can barely keep itself out of a stall while doing so. It turns tightly while the roll rate is slower. In the hands of a skilled pilot, the aircraft can perform a deritive of the cobra manuever while in a roll. The armament is very powerful and could make short work of a zeplin if unguided rockets of that accuracy and guns of that caliber were found on aircraft during WWI, or a ground target in Stormworks. The gunsight really helps with aiming, if only the rockets were mounted higher... The large frame and slow speed makes it an easy and fragile target for gunners on everything. Would be incredible in real life, but inefficient in Stormworks combat.



The Sockwith is probably the most unique design, being a quadraplane. It sports a plain tan canvas-like paint with blue and red detailing on the nose/engines and tail respectively. The front landing gear is very rectangular and doesn't seem right. The tail and its attached landing gear look very nice though. The wing struts are also painted the canvas color. Overall bland with little decoration and in need of weathering, otherwise pretty good!


Overall: 6.66/10

Feedback and Suggestions

-Interesting design

-Make an easy way into the plane

-Rockets need higher mounting

Ram-214 Dominator II by Re0ns 

User friendliness

Dominator II is a gigantic plane, the only way to get into the cockpit is by using the airstair. It is not hard to start the engines, however, you only need to toggle 3 buttons, some of the controls were not labeled, which lead to a bit of guess work, as well as them being a bit thrown around the cockpit. It is rather difficult to take off thanks to slow-to-respond controls, forcing the pilot to use the "fast climb" button to lift from the ground.



Dominator II has a total of 8 LACs, 2 HACs, 6 radar guided missiles under the wings and 4 more inside 2 bays, however, the autocannons don't have any ammuniton, deeming them useless. The missiles can have good tracking and can hit their targets most of the time, but the lack of radar and gunsights make them hard to use. The plane is really fast, being able to fly at whopping 662kph with a range of 230km. With proper adjustments on the throttle, it can fly 7000km without needing to refuel. Maneuverability is bad, it handles like a bomber, with a terrible roll rate and weak elevator that doesn't work most of the time, the rudder on the other hand is pretty strong and its the best way to turn the plane. It also has a "fast climb" button, that actually provides the ability to climb, but gets problematic at lower speeds. Overall, the aircraft feels more like a schnellbomber roleplaying as an interceptor.



The RAM-214 has a push pull configuration, wide wings and strongly ressembles an onversized Do-335. It has a really basic painting job, consiting of a grey on top and a white on the belly with little detailing. The landing gear folds rather well on the fuselage and it does good use of XML to make a really good and unique fuselage.


Overall: 4.33/10

Feedback and Suggestions

- Add texturing to your painting

- Improve plane's handling

- Make it smaller

RK45 Interceptor by puteeh

User Friendliness:

Getting in the RK is pretty easy, all you have to do is climb on the main wing and open the canopy via an easily accessible button. The cockpit is very simmple and contains everything you would need for basic flight. Aside from the non-specific "Temperature" gauge, everything is well-labeled and does what it should. Flight controls are very slow and like to continue the manuever for several seconds after the pilot stops giving inputs alongside hardly do anything to move the aircraft. The gyro also isn't tuned for the speed and the surfaces constantly vibrate, and the stabilzer does almost nothing. Yaw is barely there so good luck landing. Finally, there is neither a gunsight or a radar HUD or screen for the missiles. Overall, simple to use until you fly.



The RK goes a good speed of 220 M/S at the cost of draining its tiny fuel tank in under 30 KM. Going for a cruise throttle is hard, since the airframe is very heavy and constantly pitches down while worsening the manueverability. The turning circle in both yaw and pitch is almost enough to cover both mainlands, which is not a good thing. This turn rate is also a death trap at low altitude, since the aircraft can not manuever fast enough to avoid terrain, forcing the pilot to bring the aircraft down before it crashes. The interceptor carries six AGMs, that's right, AGMs. 6x NNTC Phosphor AGMs compliment a single machine gun. The narrow, long-range seeker in itself makes it hard to hit moving aircraft, but the lack of any radar targetting makes landing a shot nearly impossible. The gunsight-less machine gun also can't do much as it's just a 50-round anti-personnel weapon. Overall, it probably won't see active service in any militaries.



The RK resembles a fat MiG-21 with a tail. It sports alternating brown camo for use in deserts. The wing detailing is very nice, and there's an eggplant pixel art near the canopy alongside a flag and a roundel. The control surfaces do not blend well with the aircraft and break up the design, especially when they constantly vibrate. The rear jet exhaust looks interesting, but the heaters it's made up of don't turn on when the engine is on, adding to the akward rear. Interestingly enough, the fuel tank is behind the large nose intake. Overall pretty basic.


Overall: 4/10

Feedback and Suggestions

-Adjust your gyro for less shaking and have usable pitch

-Don't use AGMs and add sights

-I really liked the wing detailing!

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